"Hard work is the path to successes. Even though luck matter .it is the hard work that makes a man to win in his life. If we look of the great personalities as the persons who had achieve a certainp osition in the history we could find that they had worked so hardi n order to reach that position.

Each and every individual should know the need of hard work. Consider the situation we work so hard and win in an exama nd in a luck we had passed in and exam? We will become mores atisfied and feel so happy in the first case. Due to the hard work we had gained it. Similarly if we look at each and everything that occurred in our life we could see hard work leads to success of a man than luck.

The present generation are not giving importance to hard work and give preference to luck which leads to failures. Hard work give one hundred percent guarantee while luck give only low chance.As we all know in present condition for in every field there is high competition only persons who are highly qualified and educated are able to win in life for to get qualified hard work is necessary. The pain that we experience in hard work determine the happiness that feel when we achieve it.It is due the hard work of our forefathers now we are leaving such a splendid life. All the technologies and development involved is result of hardwork of someone.If we consider the independence of our country we could understand that it is due to the hard work struggle and sacrifice that are faced by ordinary people under the leadership of great personalities. Because of the hard work and struggle of great personalities such as Mahathma Gandhi, Bhagat Sing, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subash Chandra Bose etc.. we are breathing freedom.

It is due to the hard work of father in every family we all live such a happy life. Suppose if the farmer do not cultivate any crop? If industries are not making any products? What will the condition of the society? Every religion teaches that we should work hard to succeed our life, Mahathma Gandhi said 'Even the God can appear in frontof poor hungry people in the form of hard work."

 Finally what is luck It is nothing but readiness to meet an opportunity. Even if opportunity is meeting you, you have to work hard in advace and be ready to use the opportunity.

Mohammed Sanoop M

Fifth Semester B A Economics

Al Shifa College of Arts and Science, Perinthalmanna.


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